In 2012 many Centaur clone pedals began to appear on the market since an SILVER NO picture Klon Centaur's accurate schematic was released on internet . This was in the early stages of the “Clone Wars ” , People do not have very high requirements for the accuracy of cloning ,Most products are redesigned circuits and be putted in an 1590BB pedal box even smaller . They even seems D9E as the correct diode . Until in 2015 there has some 1:1 clone appear on the market . The same shaped enclosure and accurate pcb board elevate the clone to another level .
In 2017 I started a new project “ Final Klone” . I picked one out of my original 6 Klon Centaur to de-gooping , and recording brand and model of each component . In 2018 I found almost all the NOS components . Many of them are almost impossible to found today .
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